Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Segway Special Events

Segway of Oakland offers Segway event rentals for all kinds of fun for companies and other organizations throughout the Bay Area.

Segways are unique, and they offer something new and exciting, especially if you've never ridden one. We offer safe and sane lessons, and riding adventures that can fit a wide array of company activities, events, or parties.

We can offer the most diverse array of activities including demos and lessons for groups of up to 200 people. For smaller groups and team building, we even have fun unique activities including Segway polo and Segway racing.

Segways offer lots of excitement, and this is a hands on adventure where there is some risk, but we are fully insured and the fact is that Segways are super safe. They're designed with the user in mind.

Segways are unique and they offer something new and exciting, especially if you've never ridden one. We offer safe and sane lessons and riding adventures that can fit a wide array of company activities, events, or parties.

Segways for Parties or other Events:

Segways are a perfect entertainment for parties and events. We can teach up to hundreds of participants and offer brief rides, and instruction using up to 20 Segway PT’s and 10 or more site personnel.

Segways are easy to ride, but they take some brief instruction, but with hands on trainers from Segway of Oakland, we can handle even large groups and give everyone who wants to a chance to learn to ride a Segway PT.

The Segway can be used in a relatively closed area, a courtyard, or even a grass field. We’ have done many indoor events. All that's required is some open space according to the number of Segways and trainers employed for the event.

Segways are so unique that participants remember the fun and the activity more than any other thing. And with our experienced trainers and guides, we can handle just about any situation.

Segways for parties and events can be tailored to just about any situation and offers the most flexibility for your organization.

Segway Racing and Segway Polo:

For a more exciting, team building experience, we do a lot of Segway polo events and Segway racing events. Both are informally set-up but we offer more in depth instruction and an opportunity to ride more aggressively and have more fun!

With Segway polo we provide all the equipment needed, and we provide hands on instruction, including more time on the Segway, and higher speeds. Riding on the grass provides a lot more opportunity to really see what a Segway can do. We can handle up to two games at once, and generally a team will have 5 on each team. However, we adjust according to the number of participants. This activity requires a large grass field and is appropriate for smaller groups ranging from 6 to 40 people.

Segway racing is another activity that offers a ton of fun, and is a great team building alternative to Segway polo. We keep it simple, using pylons to set up a dual segway sprint course where participants race from one end to the other.

This activity also requires a grass field, and is more appropriate for a group that really does want to ride aggressively and have some excitement with a little competition.

Segway racing is a little more flexible than Segway polo and we can do groups of up to 50 participants. With both Segway polo and Segway racing there is time for participants to ride freely on the Segways, so not all time is dedicated to the racing or polo.  There is also instruction time and other riding activities that give the participants an event that is focused on Segways and Segway riding.

Segway Guided Rides and Tours:

We can bring up to 25 Segways for 25 participants, complete with guides and trainers. We can take up to 2 or 3 hours with participants on a guided ride or tour.

We’ have done all kinds of guided rides, and although they’'re all geared for fun, the Segway is also a great way to show people a building complex, park, new facility, downtown area or whatever.

In depth instruction coupled with a lot of riding time and hands on training is the best way to have complete Segway experience. The better the pathways and the tour area, the better the riding experience. However, we can use a wide variety of areas and surfaces, from pathways, to roads, to grass, and even inside.

We can even handle in depth presentations and other corporate or organizational tours that involve showing participants specific areas.
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Our consistent supply and superior selection along with great prices makes us the best resource for your Segway needs. We can even deal with repairs. We have faster shipping turnaround through our distribution warehouse which is in Oakland, CA.

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